Sphere-Being Alliance Channel

Corey Goode Announcing New Website and Social Media Sites for Sphere Being Alliance

New web and social media sites launched! Corey Goode was a part of the Secret Space Program as an intuitive empath for 20 years and is now a delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance (Blue Avians). He shares many of his experiences on Cosmic Disclosure hosted by David Wilcock on Gaia TV. www.gaia.com/coreygoode Watch the 1st EPISODE FREE! www.gaia.com/cosmic1 And the 2nd EPISODE, too! www.gaia.com/cosmic2 More from Corey Goode: http://www.spherebeingalliance.com/ www.BlueAvians.com #spherebeingalliance #cosmicdisclosure #goodevlog Connect with Corey on, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlueAvians YouTube: http://bit.ly/SphereBeingYouTube Twitter: https://twitter.com/blueavians Stay in direct touch with everything: http://bit.ly/CoreyGoodeNewsletter FREE EPISODES on Gaia: www.gaia.com/cosmic1 www.gaia.com/cosmic2 www.gaia.com/cosmic5

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9 años hace

Corey Goode Announcing New Website and Social Media Sites for Sphere Being Alliance

8 años hace

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7 años hace
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